Wednesday 12 July 2017

Summer in Thessaloniki and Christos, the Competent Conversationalist.

We continue sharing our summer holiday with my sister and her husband - this phase was home-based.
 Here we are enjoying lunch in the centre, in Aristotle Square, but not enjoying the stench wafting from the piled-high rubbish due to the binmen’s strike. Is it just me, or is this becoming like an annual thing? Home-fare, this time: moussakas, made from our own aubergines and lettuce from our neighbours – as well as the eggs for the bechamel sauce!

And the pampering goes on: our lovely neighbor, Tania, is freshly qualified as a massage /therapist so lays on a good old back-rub for both. John was so relaxed he fell asleep!

Another evening out: this time to meet up with sister-in-law, Voula, and her grandson, Christos. In  summer heat, there is nothing like being offered a cool glass of water on reaching your destination. Voula takes hospitality to a whole new level: her water is iced with heart-shaped lemon cubes. You just cannot get a more thirst-quenching – or welcoming - drink than that.   


 We were totally blown away by Christos’ English. When I jokingly ask his Gran if he’d like to come out with us, his response is direct and fluent: ‘Of course I’m coming – are you kidding me?’ His language, mainly learned from video games, is smooth-flowing with a beautiful, clear accent. What really impressed me was that not only did he readily respond and extend contributions in each exchange, but he instigated new topics to discuss with Marina and John in turn. He was very impressive and mature as a conversationalist. Truly an independent learner! Christos, I look forward to organizing that trip to GB that we talked about when you will be chief interpreter for your Grandma.

 We go to a new eating-establishment in Ano Toumba called Kafeneion to Neon: excellent food, good prices, with a staff that is hyper-busy but very attentive. A new  establishment, it has obviously lost no time in drawing customers – but sometimes you wonder about that crisis is that everyone is talking about: this was a week-day and the place was jumping! Definitely one to recommend - John was particularly pleased with his signature choice: ‘furnace’ beans!

Now those of you who follow me in Facebook will have seen this picture of Z decorating the soft-top for our neighbours’ daughter’s wedding.  The bride had made a special request that he drive her and them to and from the ceremony, respectively. But today the car has a different décor.
Our pets get a bit uneasy when they see suitcases come out – they fear we are about to disappear. But it is for our guests that the time to leave has come, so we take some last shots before they depart -  and we take down the Saltire from the flagpole.

 It’s always sad to see them go!

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