Wednesday 21 April 2021

Farewell, Leondaris!

 We have just said goodbye to our well-loved Leondaris. He has kept us company, entertained us and, above all, he has been a member of our family for nine full years. He was a strong character and his presence is hugely missed.

A local couple had found him abandoned by the roadside and, although they took him in, having a very small garden, they could not keep a puppy that was clearly going to become a big dog.  Z saw their electronic post and went to see him. Adorable though the puppy was, it was that he got on so well with the couple’s cats that won Z’s heart.   


And so Leondaris came to stay. He immediately made himself at home and was a really cheeky wee pup with initial inability to control his ears – often in a one-up, one-down state!

And, as Z predicted, he got on well with our cats. Below he’s bidding Prunella a good morning in the garden.


In this next shot he’s reclining in the sun with Mr Mao – both instinctively able to suss out the sunniest spots and shady arbours as day develops.                                            


He was a great guard dog: the slightest sound would have him thundering down the path, throwing his weight against the outside gate to inspect instantly. A local tradesman, unaware we had a dog, once rang the outer bell. As we answered we heard him shriek – he was suddenly face-to-face with our canine constable!


Leon thoroughly enjoyed gardening with us and I always took a wee break from the weeding for puppy-cuddle-time. He welcomed guests and Konstantina, a regular visitor while she studied at the university here, was a firm favourite. His soft eyes could melt hearts – Chrissie said he was The Most Beautiful Dog. Ever. David had to stand – or try to stand - his exuberance as Leon rushed to embrace him, both paws of David’s shoulder. High impact! Margaret, sunning poolside on the recliner, watched in dismay as the naughtie proudly disappeared at high speed with her new sundress trailing from his mouth – eugh!


Here is one of my favourite shots of him. He was too intrigued by the snow to stay out of it. Mind you, his thick coat meant he was impervious to the cold.                                           

 Our doggie enjoyed his food and one of his real favourites was watermelon flesh and juice. In that preference he greatly resembled his master.                                   

With very heavy hearts we paid the vet/ferryman to help him more speedily on his way.     We hope he finds a puppy paradise where he can run free once more, chasing birds and butterfly shadows to his heart’s content.

 Dog  speed  - kalo tou taxidi!

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